Road Trip 2018 – Day 10 & 11

Springdale, UT

Miles Traveled:  8

Miles Hiked: 4.7

Parks Visited: Zion National park

Beers: 3 – Wine: 0 Vodka: 3

Number of Shuttle Buses in Zion we missed due to the long lines: 3

The day 10 post was delayed due to no internet service yesterday because of high winds.  LOL.  So great. 

We visited Zion park both day 10 and 11.  We loved it.  Zion is interesting as its the only park we’ve been to that is based on a river or water source.  The river and weeping rocks in the Park make it stand out from the others.  

Zion entrance 

Visitor Center Attractions


Sunrise over Zion





Zion Canyon


Favorite View


Emerald Pools Falls

Emerald Pools second falls.

Patriarch Mountain

Crazy Tarantula on the trail


Weeping Rock Trail

Weeping Rock

View from Weeping Rock

Daily Selfie

Daily Not Selfie

That’s the National Park wrap.  

5 National Parks

3 State Parks or Monuments

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