Butchart Gardens

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. – Audrey Hepburn

Where flowers bloom so does hope. – Lady Bird Johnson

Every photographer has their thing. Some lean towards portraits, architecture, photojournalism, but me… I’m a landscape photographer. Its what calls to me when I’m looking to take a picture. Give me an ocean, some trees, flowers or mountains, and I can shoot my camera forever. This is my long winded lead in to today’s post which is full of the truly amazing Butchart Gardens. If I could remove the masses of people, I could have stayed there for days. Enjoy!

Peace doves
Crazy cactus
Do you see the bee?
Still stalking that darn bee.
Entering the Japanese Garden.
A busy day in the harbor.
There will always be beer. Always

3 thoughts on “Butchart Gardens

  1. The Butchart Gardens never cease to amaze me. Your photography brought to life every growing plant you took a picture of for the enjoyment of those who are fortunate enough to take a peek at thehornlife journey.
    Thank you, thank you…certainly made my day, and more.

  2. I love the picture of the mossy trees, and the picture of the large almost fluorescent green tree. Those two are my favorites. I also love that you used a quote by Emerson. He’s my favorite. Who maintains those gardens and for what reason? Also, what is the symbolism behind the intersecting figure-eight sculptured into the garden?

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